Security Forces and Their Mandate

Sandarbha Desk
Sandarbha Desk


Various Security Forces and Their Mandate

There are two types of central security forces.

  1. CAPF – Central Armed Police Forces
  2. CPMF – Central Para Military Forces

CAPF further consists of the following eight police forces of the Union government.

  1. BSF- Border Security Force
  2. CRPF- Central Reserve Police Force
  3. ITBP- Indo-Tibetan Border Police
  4. CISF- Central Industrial Security Force
  5. SSB- Sashastra Seema Bal
  6. NSG- National Security Guard
  7. SPG- Special Protection Group
  8. RPF- Railway Protection Force
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is the administrative head of BSF, CRPF, ITBP, CISF, SSB and the NSG.
  • The Cabinet Secretariat is the administrative head of SPG.
  • The Ministry of Railways is the administrative head of RPF.

CPMF consists of the following two forces.

  1. Assam Rifles
  2. Indian Coast Guard

Various Security agencies and their mandate:

  1. IB- Intelligence Bureau
  2. NIA- National Investigation Agency
  3. MAC- Multi Agency Centre
  4. NATGRID- National Intelligence Grid



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